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No, this is not a group discussion topic. You can stop scratching your head for collating the points. The answer is not subjective. It’s a simple yes. We’ll show you why and it will remain a yes for a long time to come.

Auto LPG offers  you the most efficient combustion without burning a hole in your pocket. Let’s start with the basics.

Reduction in Carbon Footprint- Being a low-carbon and less polluting fuel, Auto LPG fuel cuts down on carbon footprints thus helping your car to contribute to a clean environment.

Cost Effective –All the time Auto LPG prices are lower than Petrol. You have a 25-30% savings on your fuel bill if you are an auto LPG user. Time to seriously consider a switch!

It’s easily available – The government is encouraging fuels like LPG which reduces emission. This is leading to a lot of Auto LPG stations.

CNG v/s LPG: Which is better?

Both the fuels have their share of benefits and drawbacks, but LPG has an upper hand when it comes to storage and availability.  The storage tank need not be designed for high pressure .Unlike CNG storage facility, LPG fuel is more convenient for vehicles as it’s safe and easy to drive.  Fueling a CNG run vehicle is more of a challenge as the natural gas is in a pressurized form. Also number of CNG filling stations is limited and so also the supply.

SUPERGAS tends to be one of the best LPG suppliers for the auto industry. Make a switch to SUPERGAS Auto LPG and let sustainability be the order of the day. You’re on the right track of changing to an environment friendly fuel.Visit Auto LPG for more information.