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LPG leak detector for hotels

LPG leak detector

Let's detect a hazard before it's too late with

our efficient and effective

LPG leak detector

With our LPG leak detector, responsibility doesn’t cost a dime 

It’s priceless, invaluable and always helpful in the long run

Life is a precious gift. It comes in various shapes and forms and defines our worldview. It makes us care for the people we love and helps us grow with feelings of mutual benefit and cooperation. Therefore, we at SUPERGAS understand its worth and advice caution while working with LPG with our LPG leak detector.

SUPERGAS is continuously striving to improve its products and services. And we are not just words and no action – our Leak Detector is proof of our commitment to safety. In order to give you a seamless experience, we believe it is our duty to make you aware of your responsibilities as an LPG consumer.

what is it about

About LPG Leak Detector

It’s not just a device if it saves lives. We call it a vigilant friend, a superhero

LPG is a volatile hydrocarbon that catches fire quickly. If left unchecked, this property of the fuel makes it dangerous. Thus, LPG maintenance calls for responsibility. The SUPERGAS leak detector is a product which helps you in detecting leakage in your kitchen. With accurate detection capabilities and quick response time, it reports leakage at the earliest so that prompt action can be taken to avoid any hazard. 

How it works


  • Easy to configure (Plug & Play)
  • Accurate detection capabilities
  • Early warning system (Alarm set at 20% of explosive limit)
  • Siren alert with 100dB of sound capability

Working Principle

The SUPERGAS leak detector gives alarms by detecting LPG presence. An inbuilt sensor will detect the amount of LPG in the air and trigger an alarm as soon as the LPG reaches 20% of the Lower Explosive Limit – a proactive safety measure to ensure stress-free cooking as you enjoy each and every moment of it.


LPG Leak Detector Specifications
External Siren
Wall Mounted
0.3 Mtrs from Floor Level
Operating Voltage
12V D.C
Alarm Setting
20% of Lower Explosion Limit


  • Compact Size
  • Fast response time – less than 5 seconds
  • Semiconductor sensor prolongs the life
  • In-built stainless filter

Franchisee Locator

With 400+ cylinder franchisee, SUPERGAS provides LPG Supply for your hotel/restaurant/catering as per the requirement. Click below to locate the nearest franchisee.

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