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Energy Switch

Impact of LPG on Galvanising Process

Switching to SR-Grade LPG from Furnace Oil

A case study on how choosing LPG over Furnace Oil (FO) for efficiency and optimised industrial operations.



This case study is a transformative journey of pioneering customer who's not just a global leader in the Power Sector's Transmission & Distribution (T&D) segment, but also the only comprehensive solutions provider for most T&D items in manufacturing. Operating with an impressive capacity of 24,000 MT, they adopted LPG for their angle bending operations, consuming 12 MT/monthly. Having already experienced the benefits of LPG in manufacturing fasteners (27 MT/monthly), they trusted SUPERGAS to replace their 70KL/monthly FO consumption for galvanizing with an LPG manifold system.

Role of LPG in Galvanising

Galvanizing is a process that involves applying a protective zinc coating to steel or iron surfaces to prevent rusting and corrosion. It increases the durability and longevity making the product suitable for a wide variety of applications. LPG provides a consistent and even heat distribution to achieve uniformly coated final product. LPG's efficiency in burning and heat transfer enables a faster heating of the zinc bath and a higher throughput, increasing productivity.

Benefits of Partnering with SUPERGAS

Frequent furnace breakdowns and ongoing production capacity challenges prompted the customer to transition to an LPG-fired furnace. Upon commissioning, a Supply-and-Storage Agreement (SGS) with SUPERGAS was established for a system size of 6 X 450 Kg Maxima. The switch significantly reduced overall costs and enhanced combustion efficiency, making the plant more environmentally friendly and eliminating sulfur emissions.

    Operational Impact Study

While Using Furnace Oil After Switching to LPG 
Major pollution issues due to FO Cleaner, soot-free burning and environmentally desirable.
Frequent maintenance issues of the furnace/burners.  Increased life of the equipment and burners – due to minimum maintenance.
Temperature control and instrumentation are not possible. Instantly controllable flame temperature
 Carbon content & productivity are major concerns during inspections.  Easy to avoid scaling and decarburizing of parts due to no carbon deposition at the furnace. 

Carbon Impact Study 

Carbon Footprint Parameters      FO (KL)    LPG (MT)
Monthly fuel consumption   70000 51520
Calorific value/Unit 8970 10900
CO2 Generated from  Ltr/ Kg of Fuel 2.79 2.74
Heat Transfer Efficiency  0.85 0.95
Carbon Footprint per month (MT) 195   141 
Monthly carbon footprint saved (MT)       - 54
Yearly carbon footprint saved (MT)         - 648