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FAQ-LPG for Hotel


 For Commercial use there are 17Kg and 33Kg cylinders. In a commercial establishment like a hotel , cafes 17Kg is more preferred than the 33Kg because of it's ease of handling and also the overall weight of the cylinder . However for higher LPG volume, 33Kg is preferred considering the changeover for refills and also there are more option of using the LOT ( Liquid Off-take ) cylinders.
Shelf Life or Due Date for Testing is  mentioned on the cylinder stay plates. Stay plates are the vertical plates you see on the cylinder on which the VP ring is placed. For example in one of those stay plates , if you see D-22 , it implies this cylinder is due for testing in the 4th calendar quarter ( oct-dec)of 2022. New cylinders are tested after 7 years and used ones are due for testing once in 5 years . This is governed by the statutory guidelines of PESO. 
No. As per Statutory guidelines  one brand cylinder cannot be exchanged with another brand because of safety and owning the responsibility for any happenings.
As per Statutory guidelines all private LPG suppliers should have a different size and design in their cylinders than the  Indane / HPCL/BPCL cylinders. That's why you would see 3 stay plates in PSU Cylinders whereas we have 4 and also the cylinder sizes are different.
Yes , we sell adaptors separately. Our adaptors are put through rigorous quality tests at the time of procurement so that they adhere to the set standards. You can contact our nearest franchisee or enquire through our website for any requirement of  adaptors.
Yes you can use 33kg Cylinder or  the conventional 17kg LPG cylinder  depending on your requirement, volume , flow rate , availability of space . You too have the option of Liquid Off-take cylinders and Vapour Off-take Cylinder. The handling of 17 Kg is easier than 33 Kg. 
Yes , ideally it should except the adopters which are to be changed. Safety at our customer's site is of prime concern for us and we do rigorous checks before beginning supply to analyze compatibility.
No. As per Statutory guidelines , adaptors of private LPG suppliers are of different sizes than that of the PSU Oil companies. Thus it won't fit into the cylinders and hence cannot be used. The PSU Oil companies regulator/adopter size is 25.3mm OD (outer diameter ) whereas private LPG suppliers have an OD of 22mm.

LPG Supply

Please use our franchisee locator in our website, to find out the nearest franchisee. You can directly talk with the franchisee and they will guide the customer to choose a connection based on their consumption and requirement. Another alternative is that you can rise an online query through our SUPERGAS website. The query will be routed to our customer service executive who will route this to your nearest franchisee. The franchisee will contact you and you can reach at a consensus on fixing your requirement and finalizing your connection.
Typically for getting a SUPERGAS  connection it's one day. But it may be greater factoring in other variables like safety of the manifold, distance from the filling plant etc. These 2 documents are required at the time of issuing a new LPG connection. Photo identity proof  and  Address proof . Address proof can be self certified . Typical Photo identity documents are : Passport, Driving License, Pan Card , Aadhar Card, Ration Card,  Voter Identity Card, Employer Identity Card ( for reputed employers) 
Yes , we provide a safe , optimally designed  Manifold  adhering to all statutes and guidelines. The manifold will be executed as a project by SUPERGAS.  Advance payment, a percentage of the agreed amount has to be initiated by the customer before the project starts  and the rest has to be cleared during  commissioning. This would be based on SUPERGAS's offering.
Yes , we provide a safe and reliable Manifold according to your requirement. For further details, request you to contact our Customer Service or our Office. We have two business  models - one in which SUPERGAS puts up the storage solution at your place with no investment from your side  and you need to pay a monthly rental and in the 2nd model , SUPERGAS executes the storage solution by guiding you the design and working as an EPC vendor.
 Being a SUPERGAS customer , you would get  prompt  supply and peace of mind  . There would not be any shortage of LPG or delivery issues.
 For Commercial cylinders , there are no SV copy. Franchisee issues his invoice and gives a document for the refundable security deposit. 
Please communicate to your servicing  franchisee and the Franchisee would  guide you suitably.
Yes,  you can avail this but it needs to be intimated to SUPERGAS and the reason for the same . The request can be routed through the existing franchisee and SUPERGAS Customer Service.
Yes can be supplied on request , for more details contact our customer support or Nearest Franchisee or our Office.
No extra cost for the urgent order. It would be good to have the usage pattern and put a service level agreed between the Customer and the Franchisee. 


The cost of the LPG varies on month on month, request you  to check it from your servicing franchisee  or from  our customer service
No separate  delivery charges are there for the commercial cylinders. The price is inclusive of delivery charges and is built-up based on volume,  distance of your business from the franchisee or filling plant and the payment terms.
The refundable security deposit is  Rs.1500 per cylinder  and it's fully refundable once you terminate the connection and give back the cylinder in a healthy condition.
The customer need  to pay  the gas price as applicable on the date of the billing.
The bill would be having the  Franchisee GST
Yes, if you possess the GST registration to claim, you can apply for the same with the authorities.
After you surrender your cylinders to the franchisee, your refund will be processed and given back to you.
Yes,  franchisee wiil deliver the cylinders with Proper Bill / GST Invoice to the customers.