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Blog Overview


103 blog entries within blog overview

5 Strategies to Reduce Fuel Costs with Industrial LPG

As industries struggle with rising fuel prices and environmental pressures, finding innovative ways to stretch every drop of fuel becomes crucial. 


LPG for Brazing Process in Home Appliances Industry

Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) has been the cornerstone of reliable and efficient cooking for decades. However, its role is not limited to our stoves. 


Heaterless Vapourizer- The Energy Saviour

The most common cylinder installation system in large-scale industries is LOT, or Liquid Off-Take cylinders. These LOT cylinders, designed for large consumptions, are crucial as they deliver a consistent…


Transforming Customer Service Experience with SUPERGAS Care

At SUPERGAS, we are passionate about innovation and our vision to deliver the exceptional for the people, businesses, and communities we serve. SUPERGAS Care, a one-of-a-kind customer service app, is a…


How LPG can enhance the performance of Iron and Steel production

LPG benefits in improving efficiency, quality and environmental performance of iron and steel production processes, such as reheating, annealing, galvanizing, forging, and casting. 


Impact of LPG on Agriculture Sector

LPG can help farmers improve their productivity, reduce their environmental impact, and save costs.


How LPG Improves Industrial Operations and Efficiency

As industries continuously seek ways to enhance operational efficiency and reduce environmental impact, LPG stands out as a reliable ally.


LPG vs LNG: Which is the Better Industrial Fuel?

The world we live in today relies heavily on liquid fuels, but due to environmental concerns and cost efficiency, more and more industries are turning to CNG, LPG and LNG fuels.


Why is LPG a clear winner in terms of calorific value for the industries?

Calorific value For any industrial engineer, this term would be used in their daily vocabulary. But what really is calorific value? It’s defined as the total amount of heat liberated when a unit mass…


What do you know about Flue Gas Analysis?

As per the definition, flue gas (sometimes called exhaust gas or stack gas) is the gas that emanates from combustion plants and which contains the reaction products of fuel and combustion air and residual…


Have you tried LPG for the Foam Extrusion application

Many people reading this blog think of LPG as the fuel serving their kitchen or, in some rare cases, an automotive fuel. We believe this is a gross injustice to both the people and the fuel because; LPG…


SHV Energy expands its LPG terminal capacity by 30,000 metric tonnes in Tuticorin, India

SHV Energy has expanded its cryogenic LPG storage terminal facility in Tuticorin, India. The expansion ensures LPG supply to the Indian market, primarily through SHV Energy’s Indian subsidiary SUPERGAS.…
